Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I've been getting up early and going to the gym before work lately (ok, fine, the last two days) and have been very proud of myself.

Two days down and the rest of my life to go (le sigh).

I am now sore in muscles I forgot existed. One of those is my pectoral right next to my armpit, which apparently is used constantly in my job of sitting at a desk and moving rarely. I've been massaging it and just now realized that I look like I'm massaging my boob. It is all about class up in here!

My weekly plan is to workout in the mornings except for Friday, when I'll do yoga and some quality sauna/steamroom/whirlpool time. Then more yoga Saturday and this fun class on Sunday. I'm hoping to kind of make it a daily routine so I can get used to it faster. I'm hoping the yoga on Friday and Saturday will count as days off to my body. What do you think?

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