Monday, March 2, 2009

Uhm ...

Hey, Frito-Lay, can we talk? Can we sit down and have a bit of a chat about your newest ad campaign targeting women? The one that includes this little piece of ... something:

THAT IS OFFENSIVE, FRITO-LAY! Did you have Mel Gibson's ad-man character from What Women Want pitch this? Because being overcome by the Gibson's charm is the only way I can think of that would get this idea actually made.

I'm not really sure how you think playing up sexist stereotypes of women cooing over weight loss via illness would make anyone want to eat potato chips.

It actually makes me want to throw up (which should apparently make me really happy because that means I'll lose weight! I should watch these more often as part of my diet).

1 comment:

caputd said...

i'm just shocked.

Now i think they should have put potato-heads eating chips in the commercial.

See that makes no sense either just like the cartoon.

i'm confused