Monday, April 21, 2008

I recently applied to law school and am now at about week 7 of a 4-6 week response period from when my applications were received. I've been in limbo regarding the trajectory of the next three years of my life and it's been driving me nuts.

I have even been known to recently utter the sentence "I can handle being rejected, I just want to KNOW."

That's a total lie.

Being rejected fucking sucks.

It doesn't matter if you want it just a little or a whole freaking lot, to have someone else decide that you're not good enough is always a punch in the gut and one that I haven't learned to weather well.

The current tally: 1 maybe, 3 no's, 3 dunno's

I always try to be the rejecter in an effort to save my own ego (yes, I know this is generally pretty sucky of me, but at least I admit it), so not having any power over this process is really getting to me.

Eff this ish.


Stephanie said...

What are the "maybes" vs the "dunnos?" Is one category the waitlist?

Unknown said...

I'm officially tagging you. Read my blog.