Authentic Viennese food is SO RICH, but delicious.
They don't really eat breakfast here. They go for a roll or croissant and a cup of coffee. In the afternoon they all go to coffeehouses and have cappuccino and some rich pastry. It's delicious and hopefully all the walking I do will make up for it.
Oh, by the way, I've fallen in love. I might not come back to the states because we're just so freaking happy together.
Meet my new life partner, Apfelsaft Gespritzt:
It's basically just apple juice with soda water, but who knew something so simple could be so delicious? We seriously need this in the states! Except, maybe not, because it probably has a ton of cals. I'm just ignoring that.
My first Vienna sausage:
Also incredibly delicious. They take a long, hard roll, cut the end off and push it down on this metal thing that punches a hole in the middle and kind of toasts the inside, squirt some mustard in there and put a sausage in. It's amazing. I'm trying to stop myself from eating one every day for lunch from the stand around the corner from the University.
In an attempt to save some money and not eat McD's or a croissant every morning, I picked up some milk and cereal at the grocery store. At least, when I bought it I hoped it was milk and cereal.
I bought the little "milch" in case it was actually some kind of weird milk and I couldn't tell. I figured if it had a cow on it, it had to be normal milk. Turned out to be just fine! And the cereal is super delicious.
And, of course, what kind of blogger who's posting a blog on food would I be if I didn't include the best part of Vienna: the beer.
That one is pretty good, but this one, the Mai Bock, brewed at 7 Stern Brau (the biergarten I usually get my wifi at), is amazing. I'm not really a beer connoisseur, so I can't really explain it, but it's a light beer, fairly hoppy and ... wheaty? I mean, it tastes heavier like a Blue Moon, but better. That's probably a really awful description of a really delicious beer.
Coming up: an alternative walk home from class, a massive monastery and adorable village, and Parliament.