Friday, December 14, 2007

Boys Have Cooties and I Have Issues

4:02 PM me:crikey, why are you idle?
4:04 PM Ok, then I'll talk to myself, but pretend you're there
Date guy (Sunday .. it's official) actually bought both The Antiques and Boddicker's album solely because I gushed about them
4:05 PM How cute is that? Although now i have to figure out someplace to meet up with him that has personality
also, luckily I got paid today so I get to go buy a new outfit
5:02 PM Girl: LOL
I love you so much
so he's letting you pick the place I see
me: well, he kind of has to - we're meeting in Newport and he wouldn't even know someplace to go in LA because he's new
5:05 PM Girl: ahhhh

Girl: but...dude....I'm like pissing my pants in hilarity over here after a phone call I just had
me: tell me
Girl: well I didn't start seeing Man to make Boy jealous AT ALL
me: of course not
Girl: but apparently that is what has transpired
5:07 PM Boy called out friend Chick last night seriously stressed out
wanting to see if she would go to the church christmas party with him since his friend and her boyfriend, Guy, is out of town
and he doesn't want to be alone since I am bringing Man
and he told her that he's so confused and had this crazy dream where I was naked! and beckoning him
5:08 PM and I know Boy and how vivid his dreams can be and how serious he takes them
and for him to tell Chick that...LOL OMG pissing pants
5:09 PM she said he sounded really unhappy and jealous and stressed
and I say "fuck yeah, you should feel that way"
5:10 PM and then you [Boy] should look in the mirror and realize you did that entirely to yourself and had every opportunity in the world to get me back
and you [Boy] are just a dumbass
take some tips from your latin brother here on how to adore a woman
5:11 PM :end rant:
5:12 PM oh yeah, and he changed his mood on myspace from content to confused
5:19 PM me: lol - he totally deserves it
Girl: it sucks because I still completely love the guy
but shouldn't take me getting a boyfriend for him to get his head out of his ass
5:25 PM Girl: I
I'm so excited for your date
you better give me details
5:26 PM me: meh, that's usually what happens. When you were single you were still available - sometimes it takes total loss of something to realize how much we valued it
Girl: yeah
I hear that
but seriously....the kid had every chance in the freaking world to get me back
5:27 PM I mean I was still professing feelings for him up until like 2 weeks ago when I told him I didn't want or need him as a friend
me: which is why he totally deserves what he's getting now
it's so childlike to expect to throw away something and then have it still be there when you decide you want it
the only thing that works like that are parents
when you're 5
5:28 PM And I'll tell you about the date, haha - I think he's more excited than I am, but that's entirely because I'm cynical and afraid of rejection and won't let myself get worked up over it
Girl: yeah...
me: but at least I know what my issues are!
5:29 PM Girl: which is so much of the battle, my friend :-P
me: it's cute, he laughs if he trips over a word he's saying or it takes him a moment to get it out
5:30 PM Girl: hehe
me: which, really, will only be cute if it doesn't continue indefinitely
5:31 PM I'm awful - already finding things to dislike. What the eff is wrong with me?
5:32 PM Girl: awww...come on...those little quirks can be extremely endearing
me: I know, I think I just have to see him again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

classic. and changing the names to girl, chick, guy, man, and my personal favorite - boy...wifey, that was pure genius :-)