Friday, December 28, 2007

Say What?

There's a quote from the dad from the showOrange County Choppers that always cracks me up:

"What was was was, what is is is, and what is is right now."

It sounds so ridiculous and pseudo prophetic, but deep down, underneath its jumbled exterior, there's an honest sentiment. The past is the past, the present is the present and the present is reality. It's a silly, slightly incoherent reminder not to dwell on the past, but to live in the present.

Also, in the many "ifs" I'm constantly thinking about: if I ever put out two albums, the first would be titled "What Was" - because first albums are always about and informed by the entirety of your life up until that point - and the second would be "What Is" - because a second album is always, always informed by what's happened between putting out the first album and creating the second one, there's some going back, but the far past has been forever tweaked but the recent pasts influence on your paradigm.

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